Available courses

If you are already trained as a health educator or community health worker (or Promotoras de Salud), or if you have no prior training and you want to learn how to promote health in your faith community, we can help.  This course is for lay people, health professionals, and clergy members to start or support health ministries.  You will learn about a wide variety of common health issues, how to provide health support, connect people to resources, and how to help your faith community members improve their health.This course will help prepare the Congregational Health Promoter (CHP) for health promotion activities in congregational settings.  The course will focus on aspects of supporting healthy living, helping congregants learn about managing chronic illnesses, facilitating prenatal and well-baby education, addressing mental health needs, nutrition, and connecting to resources. 

As this is a self-paced course, we will not be managing an active Discussion Forum through the course.

Foundations of Faith Community Nursing

Faith community nursing, formerly known as parish nursing, is based on the idea that caring for ourselves and others is a manifestation of the love of God.  Through the practice of faith community nursing, nurses practice in a nursing specialty (faith community nursing) to provide spiritual care in their communities.  Those communities are typically faith congregations, but not always.  The goals of the work of the faith community nurse (FCN) are "the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities; the prevention of illness and injury; and the alleviation of suffering in the context of values, beliefs, and practices of a faith community, such as a church, congregation, parish, synagogue, temple, mosque, or faith-based community agency." (ANA/HMA, 2012, p.5).

The Foundations of Faith Community Nursing typically runs four weeks, averaging about 10 hours of coursework and readings per week.  The course is offered in an asynchronous format so that participants can learn from discussion and interaction with one another.  The cost of the course is $285, or free to the faculty of the St. David’s School of Nursing.  Register by emailing Monica.FaithHealthPartnerships@gmail.com, or call 512-923-7916.  This event is being jointly provided with the St. David’s School of Nursing.

This continuing nursing education offering was approved by the St. David’s School of Nursing at Texas State University.  The St. David’s School of Nursing at Texas State University is an approved provider of continuing education by the Alabama Board of Nursing, ABNP1544, expiration date 10/28/2023.

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